Radiohead é uma banda inglesa de rock alternativo, formada no ano de 1988 em Oxford por Thom Yorke (vocais, guitarra, piano), Jonny Greenwood (guitarra), Ed O'Brien (guitarra), Colin Greenwood (baixo, sintetizador) e Phil Selway (bateria, percussão).
Os Radiohead lançaram o seu primeiro single, "Creep", no ano de 1992 e o seu primeiro álbum de estúdio, Pablo Honey, em 1993. Ainda que o single de "Creep" não tenha feito sucesso quando foi lançado, seu relançamento, no ano seguinte, fez da canção um hit internacional. A popularidade desta banda no Reino Unido aumentou com o lançamento de seu segundo álbum de estúdio, The Bends, em 1995. A textura atmosférica das guitarras e o falsete de Thom Yorke foram bastante aclamados por críticos e fãs. Com o lançamento de OK Computer em 1997, os Radiohead ganharam fama mundial. Contando com um som bastante expansivo e temas sobre a alienação moderna, OK Computer é aclamado até hoje como um marco dos anos 90. O lançamento de Kid A, em 2000, e de Amnesiac, em 2001, marcou o pico da popularidade dos Radiohead, ainda que estes dois álbuns tenham tido opiniões controversas entre críticos e fãs. Este período marcou uma considerável mudança no som dos Radiohead, com a banda incorporando elementos experimentais de música eletrônica e jazz nas suas composições. Hail to the Thief (2003), sexto álbum de estúdio da banda, mesclou todos os estilos que a banda já empregou em sua carreira, como as guitarras distorcidas, música electrônica e letras contemporâneas. Dando sequência ao lançamento de Hail to the Thief, os Radiohead entraram em hiato, saíram de sua gravadora EMI e lançaram o seu sétimo álbum, In Rainbows, em 2007, por meio de download digital, pelo qual os compradores escolhiam o quanto queriam pagar.
Manic Hedgehog (EP) - 1991

02. Nothing Touches Me
03. Thinking About You
04. Phillipa Chicken
05. You
Drill (EP) - 1992

01. Prove Yourself
02. Stupid Car
03. You
04. Thinking About You
02. Stupid Car
03. You
04. Thinking About You
Pablo Honey – 1993

01. You
02. Creep
03. How Do You?
04. Stop Whispering
05. Thinking About You
06. Anyone Can Play Guitar
07. No Ripcord
08. Vegetable
09. Prove Yourself
10. I Can’t
11. Lurgee
12. Blow Out
02. Creep
03. How Do You?
04. Stop Whispering
05. Thinking About You
06. Anyone Can Play Guitar
07. No Ripcord
08. Vegetable
09. Prove Yourself
10. I Can’t
11. Lurgee
12. Blow Out
Itch (EP) – 1994

02. Tthinking About You
03. Faithless, The Wonder Boy
04. Banana Co (Acustic)
05. Killer Cars (Live At The Metro)
06. Vegetable (Live At The Metro)
07. You (Live At The Metro)
08. Creep (Live At Kroq -Acustic)
My Iron Lung (EP) – 1994

02. The Trickster
03. Lewis (Mistreated)04. Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
05. Permanent Daylight
06. Lozenge Of Love
07. You Never Wash Up After Yours
08. Creep (Acoustic)
The Bends – 1995

01. Planet Telex
02. The Bends
03. High And Dry
04. Fake Plastic Trees
05. Bones
06. Nice Dream
07. Just
08. My Iron Lung
09. Bullet Proof… I Wish I Was
10. Black Star
11. Sulk
12. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
02. The Bends
03. High And Dry
04. Fake Plastic Trees
05. Bones
06. Nice Dream
07. Just
08. My Iron Lung
09. Bullet Proof… I Wish I Was
10. Black Star
11. Sulk
12. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
The Golden Unplugged Album – 1996

01. Lozenge Of Love
02. Subterranean Homesick Alien
03. Killer Cars
04. Wish You Where Here
05. Creep
06. Black Star
07. Street Spirit
08. Wonderwall
09. Blow Out
10. Lucky
11. High & Dry
12. Fake Plastic Trees
13. How I Made My Millions
14. Bulletproof
15. Banana Co.
16. Yes I Am
17. Life In A Glasshouse
02. Subterranean Homesick Alien
03. Killer Cars
04. Wish You Where Here
05. Creep
06. Black Star
07. Street Spirit
08. Wonderwall
09. Blow Out
10. Lucky
11. High & Dry
12. Fake Plastic Trees
13. How I Made My Millions
14. Bulletproof
15. Banana Co.
16. Yes I Am
17. Life In A Glasshouse
No Surprises / Running From Demons (EP) - 1997

02. Pearly (Remix)03. Melatonin
04. Meeting In The Aisle
05. Bishop's Robes
06. A Reminder
OK Computer – 1997

01. Airbag
02. Paranoid Android
03. Subterranean Homesick Alien
04. Exit Music (For A Film)
05. Let Down
06. Karma Police
07. Fitter Happier
08. Electioneering
09. Climbing Up The Walls
10. No Surprises
11. Lucky
12. The Tourist
02. Paranoid Android
03. Subterranean Homesick Alien
04. Exit Music (For A Film)
05. Let Down
06. Karma Police
07. Fitter Happier
08. Electioneering
09. Climbing Up The Walls
10. No Surprises
11. Lucky
12. The Tourist
Airbag / How Am I Driving (EP) - 1998

01. Airbag
02. Pearly
03. Meeting In The Aisle
04. A Reminder
05. Polyethylene (Parts 1 & 2)06. Melatonin
07. Palo Alto
02. Pearly
03. Meeting In The Aisle
04. A Reminder
05. Polyethylene (Parts 1 & 2)06. Melatonin
07. Palo Alto
Kid A – 2000

02. Kid A
03. The National Anthem
04. How To Disappear Completely
05. Treefingers
06. Optimistic
07. In Limbo
08. Idioteque
09. Morning Bell
10. Motion Picture Soundtrack
Amnesiac – 2001

02. Pyramid Song
03. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors
04. You And Whose Army?
05. I Might Be Wrong
06. Knives Out
07. Morning Bell/Amnesiac
08. Dollars And Cents
09. Hunting Bears
10. Like Spinning Plates
11. Life In A Glasshouse
I Might Be Wrong Live Recordings – 2001

01. The National Anthem
02. I Might Be Wrong
03. Morning Bell
04. Like Spinning Plates
05. Idiotheque
06. Everything In Its Right Place
07. Dollars And Cents
08. True Love Waits
02. I Might Be Wrong
03. Morning Bell
04. Like Spinning Plates
05. Idiotheque
06. Everything In Its Right Place
07. Dollars And Cents
08. True Love Waits
Hail To The Thief – 2003

01. 2 + 2 = 5
02. Sit Down. Stand Up
03. Sail To The Moon
04. Backdrifts
05. Go To Sleep
06. Where I End And You Begin
07. We Suck Young Blood
08. The Gloaming
09. There There
10. I Will
11. A Punchup At A Wedding
12. Myxomatosis
13. Scatterbrain
14. A Wolf At The Door
02. Sit Down. Stand Up
03. Sail To The Moon
04. Backdrifts
05. Go To Sleep
06. Where I End And You Begin
07. We Suck Young Blood
08. The Gloaming
09. There There
10. I Will
11. A Punchup At A Wedding
12. Myxomatosis
13. Scatterbrain
14. A Wolf At The Door
Com Lag (2plus2isfive) - 2004

02. Remyxomatosis (Cristian Vogel)
03. I Will (Los Angeles Version)
04. Paperbag Writer
05. I Am A Wicked Child
06. I Am Citizen Insane
07. Skttrbrain (Four Tet Remix)
08. Gagging Order
09. Fog (Again)10. Where Bluebirds Fly
In Rainbows – Special Edition – 2007

01. 15 Step
02. Bodysnatchers
03. Nude
04. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
05. All I Need
06. Faust Arp
07. Reckoner
08. House Of Cards
09. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
10. Videotape
02. Bodysnatchers
03. Nude
04. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
05. All I Need
06. Faust Arp
07. Reckoner
08. House Of Cards
09. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
10. Videotape
CD 2 – Bonus Disc
01. Mk 1
02. Down Is The New Up
03. Go Slowly
04. Mk 2
05. Last Flowers
06. Up On The Ladder
07. Bangers And Mash
08. 4 Minute Warning
02. Down Is The New Up
03. Go Slowly
04. Mk 2
05. Last Flowers
06. Up On The Ladder
07. Bangers And Mash
08. 4 Minute Warning
The King Of Limbs – 2011

01. Bloom
02. Morning Mr Magpie
03. Little By Little
04. Feral
05. Lotus Flower
06. Codex
07. Give Up The Ghost
08. Separator
02. Morning Mr Magpie
03. Little By Little
04. Feral
05. Lotus Flower
06. Codex
07. Give Up The Ghost
08. Separator
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