Ele foi um dos mais controversos e geniais músicos que já surgiram nesse planeta. O pioneirismo e a visão de vanguarda de Frank Zappa o tornaram tão influentes que hoje seria impossível imaginar como seria o Rock e a guitarra sem ele.
Nascido em 1940, Frank Vincent Zappa viveu na Califórnia, onde se formou na faculdade e teve um breve casamento. Sua maior paixão, no entanto, sempre foi a música, o que o deixava bastante frustrado. Consegue a oportunidade para compor a trilha do filme “Run Home Slow” e a partir daí, dedica-se ao seu sonho em tempo integral, montando seu próprio estúdio e se especializando em gravações.
Casa-se com Gail Zappa e realiza sua célebre participação no programa de TV “The Steve Allen Show”, em 1963, onde tocou percussão utilizando como instrumento uma bicicleta. É convidado para integrar o The Soul Giants e em pouco tempo vira líder da banda, tocando apenas suas próprias composições. Mudou o nome do conjunto para The Mothers e eles começaram a se apresentar em pequenos clubes, até que são vistos por um produtor da MGM Records, que os contrata.
Estréiam em 1966, sob a alcunha de The Mothers of Invention com o álbum duplo “Freak Out!” onde já é possível perceber todas as características que se fizeram presentes durante toda a carreira do guitarrista. O segundo trabalho, “Absolutely Free” conquistou de vez a Europa com suas críticas e ironia nas letras enquanto que era praticamente ignorado nos Estados Unidos. Os shows de Frank Zappa e sua banda, no entanto, começam a ser muito procurados pelo público e acabam conquistando também os norte-americanos, mesmo que a mídia ainda não lhe desse a devida atenção.
O humor, na maioria das vezes bastante ácido, torna-se marca registrada de seus álbuns e muitas canções são usadas como hinos pela juventude, envolvida em diversos conflitos políticos na época. A forma de compor do guitarrista também chama bastante chama atenção uma vez que, ele escrevia diretamente na partitura, sem tocar nenhum instrumento durante o processo.
Zappa continua escrevendo trilhas para filmes de segunda linha, que são lançadas em álbuns duplo como “Uncle Meat”, de 1969. Logo depois disso, o músico abre sua própria gravadora, a Bizarre Records -que contrata Alice Cooper-, e o Mothers Of Invention se separa. Ao lado de Ian Underwood, grava um de seus maiores clássicos, “Hot Rats”. Volta com sua antiga banda, agora apenas chamada de Mothers, com outra formação e produz mais alguns trabalhos até que vende a Bizarre Records para a Warner. Após uma turnê não muito bem sucedida, porém, decreta o fim do conjunto.
Por volta da metade dos anos 70, Zappa já tendo adquirido ‘status’ com a mídia, monta uma nova banda juntando os melhores músicos que já haviam tocado com ele com alguns novos integrantes e grava “Over Nite Sensation”, um de seus maiores sucessos, e a partir daí nunca mais usaria o nome Mothers.
Tranca-se no estúdio escrevendo sem parar, saindo de lá apenas para se apresentar durante curtos períodos. Consegue totalizar 5 álbuns que entrega de uma só vez para a Warner, cumprindo o seu contrato e montando novamente uma gravadora própria. Nessa época, o baterista de Frank Zappa era o não menos genial Terry Bozzio e que depois fora substituído por Vinnie Colaiuta. Nesse período saíu a trilogia “Joe’s Garage – Act I” e “Joe’s Garage Act II & III”.
Grava 3 discos direcionados aos guitarristas, mas que são muito procurados pelo público em geral e foram intitulados de “Shut Up N’ Play Yer Guitar”, “Shut Up N’ Play Yer Guitar Some More” e “The Return Of The Son Of Shut Up N’ Play Yer Guitar”. Uma das canções de maior sucesso veio em 1982, com “Valley Girl”, cantada por sua filha Moon Unit Zappa e ele segue durante os anos 80 produzindo álbuns ininterruptamente.
Relança seu catálogo da Bizarre Records em 1987 e interrompe a turnê iniciada com uma ‘big band’ no ano seguinte, alegando fortes dores. Candidata-se ao cargo de presidente nas eleições norte-americanas e lança sua biografia, “The Reel Frank Zappa Book” em 1989.
Após assinar um contrato em que permite que toda sua discografia seja transformada em CD, Zappa anuncia publicamente que sofre de câncer na próstata e passa a adminsitrar e a editar seus inúmeros registros ao vivo resultando em “The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life” e “Make A Jazz Noise Here”.
O músico faleceu no dia 4 de Dezembro de 1993, em sua casa na Califórnia, deixando a mulher Gail Zappa e quatro filhos.
Inúmeras compilações, faixas raras e ao vivo ainda são lançadas a cada ano, mantendo vivo o nome desse que foi um dos maiores artistas de todos os tempos.
Nascido em 1940, Frank Vincent Zappa viveu na Califórnia, onde se formou na faculdade e teve um breve casamento. Sua maior paixão, no entanto, sempre foi a música, o que o deixava bastante frustrado. Consegue a oportunidade para compor a trilha do filme “Run Home Slow” e a partir daí, dedica-se ao seu sonho em tempo integral, montando seu próprio estúdio e se especializando em gravações.
Casa-se com Gail Zappa e realiza sua célebre participação no programa de TV “The Steve Allen Show”, em 1963, onde tocou percussão utilizando como instrumento uma bicicleta. É convidado para integrar o The Soul Giants e em pouco tempo vira líder da banda, tocando apenas suas próprias composições. Mudou o nome do conjunto para The Mothers e eles começaram a se apresentar em pequenos clubes, até que são vistos por um produtor da MGM Records, que os contrata.
Estréiam em 1966, sob a alcunha de The Mothers of Invention com o álbum duplo “Freak Out!” onde já é possível perceber todas as características que se fizeram presentes durante toda a carreira do guitarrista. O segundo trabalho, “Absolutely Free” conquistou de vez a Europa com suas críticas e ironia nas letras enquanto que era praticamente ignorado nos Estados Unidos. Os shows de Frank Zappa e sua banda, no entanto, começam a ser muito procurados pelo público e acabam conquistando também os norte-americanos, mesmo que a mídia ainda não lhe desse a devida atenção.
O humor, na maioria das vezes bastante ácido, torna-se marca registrada de seus álbuns e muitas canções são usadas como hinos pela juventude, envolvida em diversos conflitos políticos na época. A forma de compor do guitarrista também chama bastante chama atenção uma vez que, ele escrevia diretamente na partitura, sem tocar nenhum instrumento durante o processo.
Zappa continua escrevendo trilhas para filmes de segunda linha, que são lançadas em álbuns duplo como “Uncle Meat”, de 1969. Logo depois disso, o músico abre sua própria gravadora, a Bizarre Records -que contrata Alice Cooper-, e o Mothers Of Invention se separa. Ao lado de Ian Underwood, grava um de seus maiores clássicos, “Hot Rats”. Volta com sua antiga banda, agora apenas chamada de Mothers, com outra formação e produz mais alguns trabalhos até que vende a Bizarre Records para a Warner. Após uma turnê não muito bem sucedida, porém, decreta o fim do conjunto.
Por volta da metade dos anos 70, Zappa já tendo adquirido ‘status’ com a mídia, monta uma nova banda juntando os melhores músicos que já haviam tocado com ele com alguns novos integrantes e grava “Over Nite Sensation”, um de seus maiores sucessos, e a partir daí nunca mais usaria o nome Mothers.
Tranca-se no estúdio escrevendo sem parar, saindo de lá apenas para se apresentar durante curtos períodos. Consegue totalizar 5 álbuns que entrega de uma só vez para a Warner, cumprindo o seu contrato e montando novamente uma gravadora própria. Nessa época, o baterista de Frank Zappa era o não menos genial Terry Bozzio e que depois fora substituído por Vinnie Colaiuta. Nesse período saíu a trilogia “Joe’s Garage – Act I” e “Joe’s Garage Act II & III”.
Grava 3 discos direcionados aos guitarristas, mas que são muito procurados pelo público em geral e foram intitulados de “Shut Up N’ Play Yer Guitar”, “Shut Up N’ Play Yer Guitar Some More” e “The Return Of The Son Of Shut Up N’ Play Yer Guitar”. Uma das canções de maior sucesso veio em 1982, com “Valley Girl”, cantada por sua filha Moon Unit Zappa e ele segue durante os anos 80 produzindo álbuns ininterruptamente.
Relança seu catálogo da Bizarre Records em 1987 e interrompe a turnê iniciada com uma ‘big band’ no ano seguinte, alegando fortes dores. Candidata-se ao cargo de presidente nas eleições norte-americanas e lança sua biografia, “The Reel Frank Zappa Book” em 1989.
Após assinar um contrato em que permite que toda sua discografia seja transformada em CD, Zappa anuncia publicamente que sofre de câncer na próstata e passa a adminsitrar e a editar seus inúmeros registros ao vivo resultando em “The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life” e “Make A Jazz Noise Here”.
O músico faleceu no dia 4 de Dezembro de 1993, em sua casa na Califórnia, deixando a mulher Gail Zappa e quatro filhos.
Inúmeras compilações, faixas raras e ao vivo ainda são lançadas a cada ano, mantendo vivo o nome desse que foi um dos maiores artistas de todos os tempos.
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention – Freak Out! (1966)

2. I Ain’t Got No Heart
3. Who Are The Brain Police?
4. Go Cry On Somebody Else’s Shoulder
5. Motherly Love
6. How Could I Be Such A Fool
7. Wowie Zowie
8. You Didn’t Try To Call Me
9. Any Way The Wind Blows
10. I’m Not Satisfied
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention – Absolutely Free (1967)

2. The Duke Of Prunes
3. Amnesia Vivace
4. The Duke Regains His Chops
5. Call Any Vegetable
6. Invocation And Ritual Dance Of The Young Pumpkin
7. Soft – Sell Conclusion
8. Big Leg Emma
9. Why Don’tcha Do Me Right
10. America Drinks
11. Status Back Baby
12. Uncle Bernie’s Farm
13. Son Of Suzy Creamcheese
14. Brown Shoes Don’t Make It
15. America Drinks And Goes Home
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention – We’re Only In It For The Money (1968)

1. Are You Hung Up?
2. Who Needs The Peace Corps?
3. Concentration Moon
4. Mom & Dad
5. Telephone Conversation
6. Bow Tie Daddy
7. Harry, You’re A Beast
8. What’s The Ugliest Part Of Your Body?
9. Absolutely Free
10. Flower Punk
11. Hot Poop
12. Nasal Retentive Calliope Music
13. Let’s Make The Water Turn Black
14. The Idiot Bastard Son
15. Lonely Little Girl
16. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance
17. What’s The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? (reprise)
18. Mother People
19. The Chrome Plated Megaphone Of Destiny
2. Who Needs The Peace Corps?
3. Concentration Moon
4. Mom & Dad
5. Telephone Conversation
6. Bow Tie Daddy
7. Harry, You’re A Beast
8. What’s The Ugliest Part Of Your Body?
9. Absolutely Free
10. Flower Punk
11. Hot Poop
12. Nasal Retentive Calliope Music
13. Let’s Make The Water Turn Black
14. The Idiot Bastard Son
15. Lonely Little Girl
16. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance
17. What’s The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? (reprise)
18. Mother People
19. The Chrome Plated Megaphone Of Destiny
Lumpy Gravy (1968)

1. The Way I See It, Barry
2. Duodenum
3. Oh No
4. Bit Of Nostalgia
5. It’s From Kansas
6. Bored Out 90 Over
7. Almost Chinese
8. Switching Girls
9. Oh No Again
10. At The Gas Station
11. Another Pickup
12. I Don’t Know If I Can Go Through This Again
2. Duodenum
3. Oh No
4. Bit Of Nostalgia
5. It’s From Kansas
6. Bored Out 90 Over
7. Almost Chinese
8. Switching Girls
9. Oh No Again
10. At The Gas Station
11. Another Pickup
12. I Don’t Know If I Can Go Through This Again
Lumpy Gravy Part Two
1. Very Distraughtening
2. White Ugliness
3. Amen
4. Just One More Time
5. A Vicious Circle
6. King Kong
7. Drums Are Too Noisy
8. Kangaroos
9. Envelops The Bath Tub
10. Take Your Clothes Off
2. White Ugliness
3. Amen
4. Just One More Time
5. A Vicious Circle
6. King Kong
7. Drums Are Too Noisy
8. Kangaroos
9. Envelops The Bath Tub
10. Take Your Clothes Off
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention – Cruising With Ruben & The Jets (1968)

1. Cheap Thrills
2. Love Of My Life
3. How Could I Be Such A Fool
4. Deseri (Collins/Buff)
5. I’m Not Satisfied
6. Jelly Roll Gum Drop
7. Anything (Collins)
8. Later That Night
9. You Didn’t Try To Call Me
10. Fountain Of Love (FZ/Collins)
11. “No. No. No.”
12. Anyway The Wind Blows
13. Stuff Up The Cracks
2. Love Of My Life
3. How Could I Be Such A Fool
4. Deseri (Collins/Buff)
5. I’m Not Satisfied
6. Jelly Roll Gum Drop
7. Anything (Collins)
8. Later That Night
9. You Didn’t Try To Call Me
10. Fountain Of Love (FZ/Collins)
11. “No. No. No.”
12. Anyway The Wind Blows
13. Stuff Up The Cracks
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention – Uncle Meat (1969)

CD 1
1. Uncle Meat; main title theme
2. The Voice Of Cheese
3. Nine Types Of Industrial Pollution
4. Zolar Czakl
5. Dog Breath, In The Year Of The Plague
6. The Legend Of The Golden Arches
7. Louie Louie
8. The Dog Breath Variations
9. Sleeping In A Jar
10. Our Bizarre Relationship
11. The Uncle Meat Variations
12. Electric Aunt Jemima
13. Prelude To King Kong
14. God Bless America
15. A Pound For A Brown On The Bus
16. Ian Underwood Whips It Out
17. Mr. Green Genes
18. We Can Shoot You
19. “If We’d All Been Living In California…”
20. The Air
21. Project X
22. Cruising For Burgers
2. The Voice Of Cheese
3. Nine Types Of Industrial Pollution
4. Zolar Czakl
5. Dog Breath, In The Year Of The Plague
6. The Legend Of The Golden Arches
7. Louie Louie
8. The Dog Breath Variations
9. Sleeping In A Jar
10. Our Bizarre Relationship
11. The Uncle Meat Variations
12. Electric Aunt Jemima
13. Prelude To King Kong
14. God Bless America
15. A Pound For A Brown On The Bus
16. Ian Underwood Whips It Out
17. Mr. Green Genes
18. We Can Shoot You
19. “If We’d All Been Living In California…”
20. The Air
21. Project X
22. Cruising For Burgers
CD 2
01. Uncle Meat Film Excerpt, part 1
02. Tengo Na Minchia Tanta
03. Uncle Meat Film Excerpt, part 2
04. King Kong Itself
05. King Kong 2
06. King Kong 3
07. King Kong 4
08. King Kong 5
09. King Kong 6
02. Tengo Na Minchia Tanta
03. Uncle Meat Film Excerpt, part 2
04. King Kong Itself
05. King Kong 2
06. King Kong 3
07. King Kong 4
08. King Kong 5
09. King Kong 6
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention – Mothermania (1969)

2. Mother People
3. Duke Of Prunes
4. Call Any Vegetable
5. The Idiot Bastard Son
6. It Can’t Happen Here
7. You’re Probably Wondering Why I’m Here
8. Who Are The Brain Police?
9. Plastic People
10. Hungry Freaks, Daddy
11. America Drinks & Goes Home
Hot Rats (1969)

2. Willie The Pimp
3. Son Of Mr. Green Genes
4. Little Umbrellas
5. The Gumbo Variations
6. It Must Be A Camel
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention – Burnt Weeny Sandwich (1970)

1. WPLJ (Dobard/McDaniels)
2. Igor’s Boogie, Phase One
3. Overture To A Holiday In Berlin
4. Theme From Burnt Weeny Sandwich
5. Igor’s Boogie, Phase Two
6. Holiday In Berlin, Full-Blown
7. Aybe Sea
8. The Little House I Used To Live In
9. Valarie (Lewis/Robinson)
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention – Weasels Ripped My Flesh (1970)

1. Didja Get Any Onya?
2. Directly From My Heart To You (Penniman)
3. Prelude to the Afternoon of a Sexually Aroused Gas Mask
4. Toads of the Short Forest
5. Get a Little
6. The Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue
7. Dwarf Nebula Processional March & Dwarf Nebula
8. My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama
9. Oh No
10. The Orange County Lumber Truck
11. Weasels Ripped My Flesh
2. Directly From My Heart To You (Penniman)
3. Prelude to the Afternoon of a Sexually Aroused Gas Mask
4. Toads of the Short Forest
5. Get a Little
6. The Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue
7. Dwarf Nebula Processional March & Dwarf Nebula
8. My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama
9. Oh No
10. The Orange County Lumber Truck
11. Weasels Ripped My Flesh
Chunga’s Revenge (1970)

2. Road Ladies
3. Twenty Small Cigars
4. The Nancy & Mary Music
5. Tell Me You Love Me
6. Would You Go All The Way?
7. Chunga’s Revenge
8. The Clap
9. Rudy Wants To Buy Yez A Drink
10. Sharleena
Frank Zappa and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra – 200 Motels (1971)

2. Dental Hygiene Dilemma
3. Does This Kind of Life Look Interesting To You?
4. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
5. Penis Dimension
6. What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning
7. A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes
8. Magic Fingers
9. Motorhead’s Midnight Ranch
10. Dew On The Newts We Got
11. The Lad Searches The Night For His Newts
12. The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth
13. The Girl’s Dream
14. Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Courduroy Ponce
15. Strictly Genteel
200 Motels Promotional Radio Spots:
16. Coming Soon!…
17. The Wide Screen Erupts…
18. Coming Soon!…
19. Frank Zappa’s 200 Motels…
17. The Wide Screen Erupts…
18. Coming Soon!…
19. Frank Zappa’s 200 Motels…
Filmore East, June 1971

2. The Mud Shark
3. What Kind of Girl Do You Think We Are?
4. Bwana Dik
5. Latex Solar Beef
6. Willie The Pimp Part One
7. Do You Like My New Car?
8. Happy Together
9. Lonesome Electric Turkey
10. Peaches En Regalia
11. Tears Began To Fall
Just Another Band From L.A. (1972)

2. Call Any Vegetable
3. Eddie, Are You Kidding?
4. Magdalena
5. Dog Breath
Waka/Jawaka (1972)

2. Your Mouth
3. It Just Might Be A One-Shot Deal
4. Waka/Jawaka
Grand Wazoo (1973)

1. The Grand Wazoo
2. For Calvin (And His Next Two Hitch-Hikers)
3. Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus
4. Eat That Question
5. Blessed Relief
2. For Calvin (And His Next Two Hitch-Hikers)
3. Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus
4. Eat That Question
5. Blessed Relief
Over - Nite Sensation (1973)

2. I’m The Slime
3. Dirty Love
4. Fifty-Fifty
5. Zomby Woof
6. Dinah-Moe-Hum
7. Montana
Apostrophe (1974)

1. Don’t Eat The Yellow Snow
2. Nanook Rubs It
3. St. Alphonzo’s Pancake Breakfast
4. Father O’Blivion
5. Cosmik Debris
6. Excentrifugal Forz
7. Apostrophe(’)
8. Uncle Remus
9. Stink Foot
2. Nanook Rubs It
3. St. Alphonzo’s Pancake Breakfast
4. Father O’Blivion
5. Cosmik Debris
6. Excentrifugal Forz
7. Apostrophe(’)
8. Uncle Remus
9. Stink Foot
Roxy & Elsewhere (1974)

1. Penguin In Bondage
2. Pygmy Twylite
3. Dummy Up
4. Village Of The Sun
5. Echidna’s Arf (Of You)
6. Don’t You Ever Wash That Thing?
7. Cheepnis
8. Son Of Orange County
9. More Trouble Every Day
10. Be-Bop Tango (Of The Old Jazzmen’s Church)
2. Pygmy Twylite
3. Dummy Up
4. Village Of The Sun
5. Echidna’s Arf (Of You)
6. Don’t You Ever Wash That Thing?
7. Cheepnis
8. Son Of Orange County
9. More Trouble Every Day
10. Be-Bop Tango (Of The Old Jazzmen’s Church)
One Size Fits All (1975)

2. Can’t Afford No Shoes
3. Sofa #1
4. Po-Jama People
5. Florentine Pogen
6. Evelyn, A Modified Dog
7. San Ber’dino
8. Andy
9. Sofa #2
Bongo Fury (1975)

2. Carolina Hard-core Ecstasy
3. Sam With The Showing Scalp Flat Top
4. Poofter’s Froth Wyoming Plans Ahead
5. 200 Years Old
6. Cucamonga
7. Advance Romance
8. Man With The Woman Head
9. Muffin Man
Zoot Allures (1976)

2. Black Napkins
3. The Torture Never Stops
4. Ms. Pinky
5. Find Her Finer
6. Friendly Little Finger
7. Wonderful Wino
8. Zoot Allures
9. Disco Boy
Zappa in New York (1978)

1. Titties & Bee
2. Cruisin’ For Burgers
3. I Promise Not To Come In Your Mouth
4. Punky’s Whips
5. Honey, Don’t You Want A Man Like Me?
6. The Illinois Enema Bandit
2. Cruisin’ For Burgers
3. I Promise Not To Come In Your Mouth
4. Punky’s Whips
5. Honey, Don’t You Want A Man Like Me?
6. The Illinois Enema Bandit
CD 2
1. I’m The Slime
2. Pound For A Brown
3. Manx Needs Women
4. The Black Page Drum Solo/Black Page #1
5. Big Leg Emma
6. Sofa
7. Black Page #2
8. The Torture Never Stops
9. The Purple Lagoon/Approximate
2. Pound For A Brown
3. Manx Needs Women
4. The Black Page Drum Solo/Black Page #1
5. Big Leg Emma
6. Sofa
7. Black Page #2
8. The Torture Never Stops
9. The Purple Lagoon/Approximate
Studio Tan (1978)

2. Revised Music For Guitar And Low Budget Orchestra
3. Lemme Take You To The Beach
Sleep Dirt (1979)

2. Flambay
3. Spider Of Destiny
4. Regyptian Strut
5. Time Is Money
6. Sleep Dirt
7. The Ocean Is The Ultimate Solution
Sheik Yerbouti (1979)

1. I Have Been In You
2. Flakes
3. Broken Hearts Are For Assholes
4. I’m So Cute
5. Jones Crusher
6. What Ever Happened To All The Fun In The World
7. Rat Tomago
8. We Gotta Get Into Something Real
9. Bobby Brown
10. Rubber Shirt
11. The Sheik Yerbouti Tango
12. Baby Snakes
13. Tryin’ To Grow A Chin
14. City Of Tiny Lites
15. Dancin’ Fool
16. Jewish Princess
17. Wild Love
18. Yo’ Mama
2. Flakes
3. Broken Hearts Are For Assholes
4. I’m So Cute
5. Jones Crusher
6. What Ever Happened To All The Fun In The World
7. Rat Tomago
8. We Gotta Get Into Something Real
9. Bobby Brown
10. Rubber Shirt
11. The Sheik Yerbouti Tango
12. Baby Snakes
13. Tryin’ To Grow A Chin
14. City Of Tiny Lites
15. Dancin’ Fool
16. Jewish Princess
17. Wild Love
18. Yo’ Mama
Orchestral Favourites (1979)

2. Pedro’s Dowry
3. Naval Aviation In Art
4. Duke Of Prunes
5. Bogus Pomp
Joe’s Garage (1979)

CD 1
1. The Central Scrutinizer
2. Joe’s Garage
3. Catholic Girls
4. Crew Slut
5. Wet T-Shirt Nite
6. On The Bus
7. Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
8. Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up
9. Scrutinizer Postlude
10. A Token Of My Extreme
11. Stick It Out
12. Sy Borg
2. Joe’s Garage
3. Catholic Girls
4. Crew Slut
5. Wet T-Shirt Nite
6. On The Bus
7. Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
8. Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up
9. Scrutinizer Postlude
10. A Token Of My Extreme
11. Stick It Out
12. Sy Borg
CD 2
1. Dong Work For Yuda
2. Keep It Greasy
3. Outside Now
4. He Used To Cut The Grass
5. Packard Goose
6. Watermelon In Easter Hay
7. A Little Green Rosetta
2. Keep It Greasy
3. Outside Now
4. He Used To Cut The Grass
5. Packard Goose
6. Watermelon In Easter Hay
7. A Little Green Rosetta
Tinsel Town Rebellion (1981)

1. Fine Girl
2. Easy Meat
3. For The Young Sophisticate
4. Love Of My Life
5. I Ain’t Got No Heart
6. Panty Rap
7. Tell Me You Love Me
8. Now You See It, Now You Don’t
9. Dance Contest
10. The Blue Light
11. Tinseltown Rebellion
12. Pick Me, I’m Clean
13. Bamboozled By Love
14. Brown Shoes Don’t Make It
15. Peaches III
2. Easy Meat
3. For The Young Sophisticate
4. Love Of My Life
5. I Ain’t Got No Heart
6. Panty Rap
7. Tell Me You Love Me
8. Now You See It, Now You Don’t
9. Dance Contest
10. The Blue Light
11. Tinseltown Rebellion
12. Pick Me, I’m Clean
13. Bamboozled By Love
14. Brown Shoes Don’t Make It
15. Peaches III
Shut Up ‘n’ Play Yer Guitar (1981)

1. Five-Five-Five
2. Hog Heaven
3. Shut Up ‘N’ Play Yer Guitar
4. While You Were Out
5. Treacherous Cretins
6. Heavy Duty Judy
2. Hog Heaven
3. Shut Up ‘N’ Play Yer Guitar
4. While You Were Out
5. Treacherous Cretins
6. Heavy Duty Judy
CD 2
1. Variations On The Carlos Santana Secret Chord Progression
2. Gee, I Like Your Pants
3. Canarsie
4. Ship Ahoy
5. Deathless Horsie
6. Shut Up ‘N’ Play Yer Guitar Some More
7. Pink Napkins
2. Gee, I Like Your Pants
3. Canarsie
4. Ship Ahoy
5. Deathless Horsie
6. Shut Up ‘N’ Play Yer Guitar Some More
7. Pink Napkins
CD 3
1. Beat It With Your Fist
2. Return Of The Son Of Shut Up ‘N’ Play Yer Guitar
3. Pinocchio’s Furniture
4. Why Johnny Can’t Read
5. Stucco Homes
6. Canard Du Jour
2. Return Of The Son Of Shut Up ‘N’ Play Yer Guitar
3. Pinocchio’s Furniture
4. Why Johnny Can’t Read
5. Stucco Homes
6. Canard Du Jour
You Are What You Is (1981)

2. Harder Than Your Husband
3. Doreen
4. Goblin Girl
5. Theme From The 3rd Mvmt Of “Sinister Footwear”
6. Society Pages
7. I’m A Beautiful Guy
8. Beauty Knows No Pain
9. Charlie’s Enormous Mouth
10. Any Downers?
11. Conehead
12. You Are What You Is
13. Mudd Club
14. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
15. Dumb All Over
16. Heavenly Bank Account
17. Suicide Chump
18. Jumbo Go Away
19. If Only She Woulda
20. Drafted Again
Ship Arriving Too Late To Save a Drowning Witch (1982)

2. Valley Girl
3. I Come From Nowhere
4. Drowning Witch
5. Envelopes
6. Teen-Age Prostitute
The Man From Utopia (1983)

1. Cocaine Decisions
2. Sex
3. Tink Walks Amok
4. The Radio Is Broken
5. We Are Not Alone
6. The Dangerous Kitchen
7. The Man from Utopia Meets Mary Lou (Medley)
8. Stick Together
9. The Jazz Discharge Party Hats
10. Luigi and The Wise Guys
11. Moggio
2. Sex
3. Tink Walks Amok
4. The Radio Is Broken
5. We Are Not Alone
6. The Dangerous Kitchen
7. The Man from Utopia Meets Mary Lou (Medley)
8. Stick Together
9. The Jazz Discharge Party Hats
10. Luigi and The Wise Guys
11. Moggio
Baby Snakes (1983)

1. Intro Rap
2. Baby Snakes
3. Titties ‘n’ Beer
4. The Black Page #2
5. Jones Crusher
6. Disco Boy
7. Dinah-Moe Humm
8. Punky’s Whips
2. Baby Snakes
3. Titties ‘n’ Beer
4. The Black Page #2
5. Jones Crusher
6. Disco Boy
7. Dinah-Moe Humm
8. Punky’s Whips
London Symphony Orchestra vol. 1 (1983)

1. Sad Jane
2. Pedro’s Dowry
3. Envelopes
4. Mo ‘N’ Herb’s Vacation Part 1
5. Mo ‘N’ Herb’s Vacation Part 2
6. Mo ‘N’ Herb’s Vacation Part 3
2. Pedro’s Dowry
3. Envelopes
4. Mo ‘N’ Herb’s Vacation Part 1
5. Mo ‘N’ Herb’s Vacation Part 2
6. Mo ‘N’ Herb’s Vacation Part 3
Boulez Conducts Zappa : The Perfect stranger (1984)

2. Naval Aviation In Art?
3. The Girl In The Magnesium Dress
4. Outside Now Again
5. Love Story
6. Dupree’s Paradise
7. Jonestown
Them or Us (1984)

2. In France
3. Ya Hozna
4. Sharleena
5. Sinister Footwear II
6. Truck Driver Divorce
7. Stevie’s Spanking
8. Baby, Take Your Teeth Out
9. Marqueson’s Chicken
10. Planet Of My Dreams
11. Be In My Video
12. Them Or Us
13. Frogs With Dirty Little Lips
14. Whippin’ Post
Thing Fish - Premix (1984)

2. The Mammy Nuns
3. Harry & Rhonda
4. Galoot Update
5. The Torchum Never Stops
6. You Are What You Is
7. Mudd Club
8. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
9. Dumb All Over
10. Heavenly Bank Account
11. Teenage Wind
12. Suicide Chump
13. Jumbo Go Away
14. If Only She Woulda
15. Drafted Again
16. The Massive Improve’lence
17. Artificial Rhonda
18. Amnerika
19. No Not Now
20. Briefcase Boogie
21. Brown Moses
22. Drop Dead
23. Won Ton On
24. Post-Concert Jam
Francesco Zappa (1984)

1. Opus I – 1: 1st movement Andante
2. Opus I – 2nd movement Allegro con brio
3. Opus I – 2: 1st movement Andantino
4. Opus I – 2nd movement Minuetto grazioso
5. Opus I – 3: 1st movement Andantino
6. Opus I – 2nd movement Presto
7. Opus I – 4: 1st movement Andante
8. Opus I – 2nd movement Allegro
9. Opus I – 5: 2nd movement Minuetto grazioso
10. Opus I – 6: 1st movement Largo
11. Opus I – 2nd movement Minuet
12. Opus IV – 1: 1st movement Andantino
13. Opus IV – 2nd movement Allegro assai
14. Opus IV – 2: 2nd movement Allegro assai
15. Opus IV – 3: 1st movement Andante
16. Opus IV – 2nd movement Tempo di minuetto
17. Opus IV – 4: 1st movement Minuetto
2. Opus I – 2nd movement Allegro con brio
3. Opus I – 2: 1st movement Andantino
4. Opus I – 2nd movement Minuetto grazioso
5. Opus I – 3: 1st movement Andantino
6. Opus I – 2nd movement Presto
7. Opus I – 4: 1st movement Andante
8. Opus I – 2nd movement Allegro
9. Opus I – 5: 2nd movement Minuetto grazioso
10. Opus I – 6: 1st movement Largo
11. Opus I – 2nd movement Minuet
12. Opus IV – 1: 1st movement Andantino
13. Opus IV – 2nd movement Allegro assai
14. Opus IV – 2: 2nd movement Allegro assai
15. Opus IV – 3: 1st movement Andante
16. Opus IV – 2nd movement Tempo di minuetto
17. Opus IV – 4: 1st movement Minuetto
Frank Zappa - Meets The Mothers of Prevention (1985)

2. One Man, One Vote
3. Little Beige Sambo
4. Aerobics In Bondage
5. We’re Turning Again
6. Alien Orifice
7. Yo Cats
8. What’s New In Baltimore
9. Porn Wars
10. H.R. 2911
Jazz From Hell (1986)

2. The Beltway Bandits
3. While You Were Art II
4. Jazz From Hell
5. G-Spot Tornado
6. Damp Ankles
7. St. Etienne
8. Massaggio Galore
London Symphony Orchestra vol. 2 (1987)

1. Bogus Pomp
2. Bob in Dacron
3. Bob In Dacron, Second Movement
4. Strictly Genteel
2. Bob in Dacron
3. Bob In Dacron, Second Movement
4. Strictly Genteel
Guitar (1988)

CD 1
1. Sexual Harassment In The Workplace
2. Which One Is It?
3. Republicans
4. Do Not Pass Go
5. Chalk Pie
6. In-A-Gadda-Stravinsky
7. That’s Not Really Reggae
8. When No One Was No One
9. Once Again, Without The Net
10. Outside Now
11. Jim & Tammy’s Upper Room
12. Were We Ever Really Safe In San Antonio?
13. That Ol’ G Minor Thing Again
14. Hotel Atlanta Incidentals
15. That’s Not Really A Shuffle
16. Move It Or Park It
17. Sunrise Redeemer
2. Which One Is It?
3. Republicans
4. Do Not Pass Go
5. Chalk Pie
6. In-A-Gadda-Stravinsky
7. That’s Not Really Reggae
8. When No One Was No One
9. Once Again, Without The Net
10. Outside Now
11. Jim & Tammy’s Upper Room
12. Were We Ever Really Safe In San Antonio?
13. That Ol’ G Minor Thing Again
14. Hotel Atlanta Incidentals
15. That’s Not Really A Shuffle
16. Move It Or Park It
17. Sunrise Redeemer
CD 2
1. Variations On Sinister #3
2. Orrin Hatch On Skis
3. But Who Was Fulcanelli?
4. For Duane
5. GOA
6. Winos Do Not March
7. Swans? What Swans?
8. Too Ugly For Show Business
9. Systems Of Edges
10. Do Not Try This At Home
11. Things That Look Like Meat
12. Watermelon In Easter Hay
13. Canadian Customs
14. Is That All There Is?
15. It Ain’t Necessarily The Saint James Infirmary
2. Orrin Hatch On Skis
3. But Who Was Fulcanelli?
4. For Duane
5. GOA
6. Winos Do Not March
7. Swans? What Swans?
8. Too Ugly For Show Business
9. Systems Of Edges
10. Do Not Try This At Home
11. Things That Look Like Meat
12. Watermelon In Easter Hay
13. Canadian Customs
14. Is That All There Is?
15. It Ain’t Necessarily The Saint James Infirmary
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore - Vol.1 (1988)

1. The Florida Airport Tape
2. Once Upon A Time
3. Sofa
4. The Mammy Anthem
5. You Didn’t Try To Call Me
6. Diseases Of The Band
7. Tryin To Grow A Chin
8. Let’s Make The Water Turn Black/Harry, You’re A Beast/The Orange County Lumber Truck
9. The Groupie Routine
10. Ruthie-Ruthie
11. Babbette
12. I’m The Slime
13. Big Swifty
14. Don’t Eat The Yellow Snow
2. Once Upon A Time
3. Sofa
4. The Mammy Anthem
5. You Didn’t Try To Call Me
6. Diseases Of The Band
7. Tryin To Grow A Chin
8. Let’s Make The Water Turn Black/Harry, You’re A Beast/The Orange County Lumber Truck
9. The Groupie Routine
10. Ruthie-Ruthie
11. Babbette
12. I’m The Slime
13. Big Swifty
14. Don’t Eat The Yellow Snow
CD 2
1. Plastic People
2. The Torture Never Stops
3. Fine Girl
4. Zomby Woof
5. Sweet Leilani
6. Oh No
7. Be In My Video
8. The Deathless Horsie
9. The Dangerous Kitchen
10. Dumb All Over
11. Heavenly Bank Account
12. Suicide Chump
13. Tell Me You Love Me
14. Sofa
2. The Torture Never Stops
3. Fine Girl
4. Zomby Woof
5. Sweet Leilani
6. Oh No
7. Be In My Video
8. The Deathless Horsie
9. The Dangerous Kitchen
10. Dumb All Over
11. Heavenly Bank Account
12. Suicide Chump
13. Tell Me You Love Me
14. Sofa
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore - Vol.2 (1988)

1. Tush Tush Tush (A Token Of My Extreme)
2. Stinkfoot
3. Inca Roads
5. Village Of The Sun
6. Echidna’s Arf (Of You)
7. Don’t You Ever Wash That Thing?
8. Pygmy Twylyte
9. Room Service
10. The Idiot Bastard Son
11. Cheepnis
Broadway The Hard Way (1989)

1. Elvis Has Just Left the Building
2. Planet of the Baritone Women
3. Any Kind of Pain
4. Dickie’s Such an Asshole
5. When the Lie’s So Big
6. Rhymin’ Man
7. Promiscuous
8. The Untouchables
9. Why Don’t You Like Me?
10. Bacon Fat
11. Stolen Moments
12. Murder by Numbers
13. Jezebel Boy
14. Outside Now
15. Hot Plate Heaven at the Green Hotel
16. What Kind of Girl?
17. Jesus Thinks You’re a Jerk
2. Planet of the Baritone Women
3. Any Kind of Pain
4. Dickie’s Such an Asshole
5. When the Lie’s So Big
6. Rhymin’ Man
7. Promiscuous
8. The Untouchables
9. Why Don’t You Like Me?
10. Bacon Fat
11. Stolen Moments
12. Murder by Numbers
13. Jezebel Boy
14. Outside Now
15. Hot Plate Heaven at the Green Hotel
16. What Kind of Girl?
17. Jesus Thinks You’re a Jerk
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore - Vol. 3 (1989)

1. Sharleena
2. Bamboozled By Love
3. Lucille Has Messed My Mind up
4. Advance Romance
5. Bobby Brown Goes Down
6. Keep It Greasey
7. Honey, Don’t You Want A Man Like Me?
8. In France
9. Drowning Witch
10. Ride My Face To Chicago
11. Carol, You Fool
12. Chana In De Bushwop
13. Joe’s Garage
14. Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
2. Bamboozled By Love
3. Lucille Has Messed My Mind up
4. Advance Romance
5. Bobby Brown Goes Down
6. Keep It Greasey
7. Honey, Don’t You Want A Man Like Me?
8. In France
9. Drowning Witch
10. Ride My Face To Chicago
11. Carol, You Fool
12. Chana In De Bushwop
13. Joe’s Garage
14. Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
CD 2
1. Dickie’s Such An Asshole
2. Hands With A Hammer
3. Zoot Allures
4. Society Pages
5. I’m A Beautiful Guy
6. Beauty Knows No Pain
7. Charlie’s Enormous Mouth
8. Cocaine Decisions
9. Nig Biz
10. King Kong
11. Cosmik Debris
2. Hands With A Hammer
3. Zoot Allures
4. Society Pages
5. I’m A Beautiful Guy
6. Beauty Knows No Pain
7. Charlie’s Enormous Mouth
8. Cocaine Decisions
9. Nig Biz
10. King Kong
11. Cosmik Debris
The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life (1991)

CD 1
1. Heavy Duty Judy
2. Ring Of Fire
3. Cosmik Debris
4. Find Her Finer
5. Who Needs The Peace Corps?
6. I Left My Heart In San Francisco
7. Zomby Woof
8. Bolero
9. Zoot Allures
10. Mr. Green Genes
11. Florentine Pogen
12. Andy
13. Inca Roads
14. Sofa #1
2. Ring Of Fire
3. Cosmik Debris
4. Find Her Finer
5. Who Needs The Peace Corps?
6. I Left My Heart In San Francisco
7. Zomby Woof
8. Bolero
9. Zoot Allures
10. Mr. Green Genes
11. Florentine Pogen
12. Andy
13. Inca Roads
14. Sofa #1
CD 2
CD 2
1. Approximate
2. Dupree’s Paradise
3. Satumaa (Finnish Tango)
4. T’Mershi Duween
5. The Dog Breath Variations
6. Uncle Meat
7. Building A Girl
8. Montana (Whipping Floss)
9. Big Swifty
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